Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Design your Tech Gadget

  • Use  internet resources to theck out state of the art gadgets out there. Discuss with your partner and design your own robot or technological gadget. You must create a slide presentation in google slides (or pen drive) and eventually present to the class.

  • Your presentation must include between 6-10 words from the pink boxes on page 22, (make sure these words are highlighted in your presentation).
  • Optionally create your own craft model of your gadget / robot / or device. 

Number of slides: 5

1. Name of the Gadget
2. picture (or scanned drawing) labeling different parts
3. Explain why it is a useful device and who it is for.
4. Explain how to operate it
5. Extra-credit will be given if you demonstrate with a real model during your presentation.

Presentation days: To be determined