Write a letter to yourself explaining a few things about your life today. Then you will use a website that will deliver the letter to you on the day that you specify; in this case May 17, 2020.
Your letter must explain what your life is like today. Be sure to include at least the following information:
- Describe your feelings about the present school year. Describe today´s weather and mention what clothes you are wearing today.
- Describe your class. Who is in your class? who are your best friends? Mention who you are sitting with in class and what you like about him-her. what do you know about your teachers? what do you like about them?
Make a few guesses (Write them in paragraph form):
- Who will be the President of Spain?
- Who will have won The Champions League?
- My average grade in Maths will be....
- My average grade in English will be...
- Best music band of the year will be...
- The biggest suprise of the year will be...
- ..... any other prediction
- Type your letter in a word processor or copy from your notebook.
- email a copy to the teacher at: atijera@educa.madrid.org
- Enter the text in the following website www.futureme.org
- Make sure you mark the delivery date as May 17, 2020.