Monday, December 26, 2016

Boy. 2nd term book. 2ESO

Boy, by Roald Dahl is the book students in 2-ESO Sección will be reading during the fairst term. Since there is no significant cost diference between the ebook and the paperback version we recommend that you obtain the paperback and bring it to class. Below are the details of the edition we found in Amazon. However any edition with the full original English text (not abridged or adapted for students) will do.

  • Title: Boy. Tales of Childhood.
  • Author: Roald Dahl
  • Paperback: 176 páginas
  • Editor: Penguin USA (22 de enero de 2009)
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • ISBN-10: 014241381X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0142413814

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Present Continuous Guy

How do we form and in which situations do we use the present continuous? Isabel Pérez site has the answer. 
       Then read the description that the Present Continuous guy writes about himself
·         1. Read the paragraphs about the Present continuous guy. 
·         2. Take the comprehension quiz at the end of paragraph.  

·         3. Working with your partner complete the online exercises proposed at the bottom of the page.  keep a record of your score
  • Comprehension quiz.  _____ %
  • Form / Exercise 1. _____ %
  • Form / Exercise 2. _____ %
  • Form / Exercise 3. _____ %
  • Form / Exercise 4. _____ %
  • Use / Exercise 1. _____ %
  • Contrast / Exercise 1. _____ %
  • Contrast / Exercise 2. _____ %